the Artist

Bea Ortiz is a Spanish-American visual artist based in the Catskills of New York. She studied fine art in Spain before moving to NYC in 1998, where she continued her personal art practice, produced multidisciplinary performances, and developed an international career as a decorative painter and muralist. In 2018, she relocated to the Catskill Mountains where, following a life-changing illness, she returned to full-time artmaking. Bea affirms that art helped heal her and is now devoted to creating works that contribute to collective transformation through visions of interconnectedness of all beings.
Artist Statement
Nature inspires my creative practice and art making is meditation.
My abstract paintings express philosophies of universality, interconnectedness, and the clashing and combining of opposites and dualities that underlie creation. In my fractal-like works I use color, shape, placement, size, stroke to plunge the viewer into the dualities existing in separation and integration, relationship and opposition. Often using black on white, or white on black gesso-ed paper, wood panels and canvas, I render detailed energetic flows using fine brushes. I arrange individual images into large grid structures to amplify concepts of integration and connectedness and focus on how we relate to nature and one another. Each piece, a voice in conversation, highlights both collective harmony and unique individuality.
My improvisational image-making strives to awaken us to universal experiences and natural forces which contain, animate and support the living. I seek to reveal the underlying patterns and spirituality of our existence.